Monday, February 23, 2015

Big Ham Times

Monday Feb 23, 2015
ZL with Elder Lybe and Elder Stone
Fish Creek YSA Ward
Calgary Canada

(If you are an immediate family member, you'll know what the title of this post means!!)

Hey!! So its transfer week again, but I won't know til Wednesday what will happen. So we'll see!

But this week was great! One morning just before going on exchanges Elder Lybe says, "I feel we're going to find someone to teach today. It will probably be as we go out and visit members, and then feel to knock a few doors after." Then we went on exchanges!

So, this calls for a story time!

I was with Elder Kelly, and we were stopping by some members in the ward. We went and knocked at one door, and no one was home. So we go to hop back in the car, and I feel we should knock a few doors, remembering what Elder Lybe had said that morning. 

Door One. Nothing.

Door Two. Nothing.

Door Three. Ding Ding Ding!! Winner!! A YSA aged girl named Victoria answered the door. She talked about her being a Christian, and we were able to show her the Book of Mormon, and invite her out to the YSA activities. And she said yes to all the above!! So sweet!! 

So, moral of the story, listen to your companion and the Lord, no matter how crazy they seem sometimes! 

The Church is so true!!

Elder Call

And a few questions he answered for me in my letter:
How's your week going?? Are you freezing up there??? I'm heading straight into questions!!!
Great, great, great!! Great weather this year. It has been incredible! Answer to my prayers!!

TRANSFER WEEK?? Staying? Going? Elder Lybe stayin or going? Elder Stone? (he has two companions right now)
No idea. We'll find out on Wednesday! President changed things up!!

Your thoughts on this transfer week???
Mixed feelings. I want to stay. I want to go. It will be weird if I get transferred because it would be my last area. But, I guess we'll see!!

Your biggest success this week?
Found a potential tracting! That was pretty sweet! I'll give you the whole story later :)

One goal that you had this week? Was it achieved?
Work hard and stay focused. I'm trying to find the balance between thinking about home and working my bum off. I think I am finding more direction in what I need to do, where to go for school, etc, when I get home, and doing better with the balance. So that is good!

Biggest challenge of the week?
Ha! Getting to places on time. I think I am a lot like Dad when it comes to that! So I'll have to work on that this week!

One truth that has strengthened your testimony this week?
That God is trying to lead me in the right direction and that I need to listen to Him.

We created this body out of my clothes for our housing inspection. 
We got some pretty great reactions from the old people inspecting our house haha!!

Did I tell you the story of the clogged toilets at the church? There was a clogged toilet that Elder Lybe
decided to flush at the church, which proceeded to overflow and spread you know what all over the floors. 
So we got to clean it up, haha!! Good times!!

Elder Lybe, Ryan (Brandon's Friend who invited him to hear from the missionaries) and me, 
right after he got set apart to serve his mission. We got to stand in the circle as he was set apart. It was so neat!!

Regarding the International give Elder Call a Bagel day poster: Haha, some of the sisters made this! I had one of the District Leaders, Elder Halford, announce it in the mission business portion of his district meeting. "International give Elder Call a bagel day!"  Our car also got plastered with bagels and orange marmalade in honor of that day, ha! I'll have to get pictures from Elder Stone of that... :)

Calgary Temple
Elder Call and Elder Lybe, Calgary Canada Temple
Elder Stone, Lybe and Call at the dump - dumping some old mattresses.

{He is working hard, seeking the spirit, and having fun. It's good to see his sense of humor is alive & well!}
ps a little less than three months to goooo!!


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