Sunday, February 15, 2015

So many angels in Canada!! Here's one of them!

Sister Grigor (who met Elder Call his first few weeks in Calgary sent me this email after having met up with him again, 20 months into his mission)

Sister Call,
Here are the pictures from the flood and today. You have a wonderful son. He loves his mission. I could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. I asked him if he wanted me to tell you anything and he said: "Tell my family that I love them and that “you’ve got a friend in me” Then I said” oh from Toy Story- my boys LOVED that movie. Then he said: I still do!” It was a treat to see him again. He totally lifted my spirits today. 

When we first met your son - what a great day! 

Today with his companion. He is not a fresh out of high school young man. He has wisdom in his eyes for sure and a brighter light from learning more about his Saviour through service and missionary work. He was so sweet with Justin. He recognized him right away and asked him if he was getting ready to put his papers in. Loved seeing them interact again. 

July 2013: Two thumbs up! And that wonderful smile made our work load so much lighter. 
February 2015; I mentioned to Elder Call that I remembered his usual two thumbs up. And then he said: "Ya, I couldn’t do it because I was holding the plate of cookies" So he handed them over to his companion so that he could show you his two thumbs up. 
July 2013 -Reading your letter from home and soaking up every word. That is a moment that stands out in my mind and always will. So tender the way he felt about hearing from his mom. 

February 2015: Elder Lybe and Elder Call. Elder Call has your letter in his pocket :) I am sure he is soaking it up tonight once they get back home to their apartment. 

(my email to Elder Call) - Sister Grigor first sent me this facebook message below... and then she sent me this email with such sweet words!!! YOU ARE SO LOVED ELDER CALL - YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY LIVES YOU ARE TOUCHING AND CHANGING!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo mama

Oh you are making me tear up now. You have no idea what an impact your son and our interaction has had in my life. Even today your son lifted my spirit and put things into perspective for me. We had just left the basketball tournament where the home crowd was rude and taunted our team as we played. We lost in overtime by 3 points and we were all a little bummed out. As soon as we walked drove into the parking lot and saw the missionaries ( it was a zone conference) the warmest feelings entered my heart. Then we walked into the chapel and right away your son started talking to Justin and asking him about putting his papers in and so on. The empty feelings I had from leaving that high school were replaced with the light of Christ that radiated from your son. That is the influence that I want Justin to feel. It was palpable to see the difference between how we were treated at the high school and how we were treated by a wonderful group of missionaries.
I just emailed the pictures to you. I think as missionary moms we just want to reach out to these young men since we are all so far away form our own sons. I was telling Elder Call's companion about how we met at the flood clean up and that I sent you a picture and an email and he said: "That is totally something my mom would do too" And I told him that is exactly what you are doing.
Thank you Sister Grigor for blessing our lives and being such an amazing angel in Canada. You will receive a great big hug from me one day!! I promise!!! :)


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