Sunday, March 15, 2015


Monday March 9, 2015
ZL with Elder Prigmore
Confederation Park YSA Ward
Northern Calgary, Canada

Hey hey!!

So, super sweet week. I'm just going to dive right into it.

So, I've told you a bit about Chelsea. We had another lesson with her. We were going to just move on to the Plan of Salvation, but we both felt we should just talk with her about baptism. We had talked before, and we felt we should challenge her to be baptized on the 14th. The lesson was so intense and so spiritual. She knows that the church is true, and that she should be baptized, but her Dad is Catholic, and she doesn't know how he will feel about it. She didn't feel ready, prepared, comfortable, all the above! But we challenged her to pray about it. 

She said she would let us know her decision the next day.

What a suspenseful day!!

So that next day Elder Prigmore and I are just both having a heart attack that whole day. We met with Stephanie, who was planning on being baptized in April, when her sister got back home. Well, we both felt we should talk with her about the gift of the Holy Ghost, and move her baptismal date forward. So in the lesson we challenged her to be baptized on the 14th. She expressed that her sister wasn't getting back until May now, and that she wanted her to be there so bad. But, we challenged her to pray about it as well.

Well, that night we were meeting with both Stephanie and Chelsea at five. 

By that point Elder Prigmore and I had both gone insane with the amount of stress and suspense that had built up! We had left it all in the hands of the Lord. 

We were meeting with them at the church, and beforehand Elder Prigmore and I went and prayed, and asked that everything would work out!

And the Lord came through!! I shouldn't act surprised, because that has always been the case, but we were so excited!!

They both told us they would be baptized. So sweet!!!!!! Stephanie will be baptized on Saturday. During the lesson her sister, the one who is out of the country, got back to her. She sent a nice long text to Stephanie about how she was proud of her and sorry she wouldn't be able to make it. It was so sweet.

Chelsea said she would be baptized, but just wants to talk to both of her parents in person before so does get baptized. So she is planning on being baptized on April 11

Needless to say, we are so excited!! 

The Lord always provides the way. Trust in Him and it will all work out. 

The Church is so true!!

Elder Call


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