Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Roller Coaster

Transfer week - LAST transfer of your mission!!
April 7, 2015
ZL with Elder Prigmore for one more day
Centennial Park YSA Ward

I know how I always say how much I love roller coasters, but holy guacamole this week took me for a ride! We had a lot of really neat experiences. So I guess this calls for a story time!

Kirstin is on a roll! She is just soaking every bit and piece of the gospel right up! She is going to be baptized on Saturday. What a miracle! She said that she didn't think she could be happier when she met us, but now she is just so much happier! She talked to us about how drinking Captain Morgan's didn't even feel right so she gave it up. She's reading and praying every day. She loved Conference so much. And just a week and a half ago she didn't even know that God was there. So sweet to see the hand of God in her life!

So, as for Katie and Chelsea this week, they went back to Cranbrook to talk to their parents about being baptized. Long story short, it didn't go exactly as planned, but there were some sweet experiences that came from it! They were both so strong through it all. Katie snuck her Book of Mormon with her, Chelsea was so courageous in talking with her parents, and everything ended up alright. They are both so incredible!!

Haha, want to hear a funny story? So we've talked with Chelsea about being modest with her dress and swimsuits and stuff, and she was telling us this week how she is getting her new "Mormon Wardrobe" ready! Hahaha! So great!!

Everything is going great here. So sweet to see all the miracles happening. To quote your average McDonald's commercial, "bu-du-bu-bu-buuuh, I'm lovin' it!"

Couldn't be happier to finish my mission here. Sad to see Elder Prigmore take off. But, grateful for all the good times. God is real! Jesus Christ lives! I know they help us and love us. I've seen it.

The Church is so true!!

Elder Call

And a little from my email...
What was the funniest thing that happened to you this week?
I was talking with a recent convert in the ward and she said if I make a three pointer backwards she'd buy us booster juice!! (Its a smoothie place) And I made it! Haha, yes! Free smoothies!!

What was a testimony building experience you have this week?
Ah, see the big email :)

Best thing you ate this week?
Taco Bell! We brought Katie and Chelsea there, because Prigs and I are both die hard Taco Bell fans, so we converted them over from Tacotime to Taco Bell ;)

Things are going really well here. I'm excited for the next transfer. Can't wait to see what happens! It will be a good one. Hope everything continues to go well back home. Tell everyone to enjoy the last few months of school. I love you so much Mom! Thank you for being such a great example and for all of your love! It doesn't go unnoticed! 

Elder Call


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