Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas in Canada!

Monday December 22, 2014
Zone Leader with Elder Lybe
Fish Creek Young Single Adult Ward
Calgary, Canada

Merry Christmas everybody!! If you haven't already, go and check out the He is the Gift video at It is really great!!

This week was a good one. I was on exchanges with Elder Becker this week and we had a good experience.

So, we had just finished studies and were on our way to Queensland to contact someone in the area. We hopped out of the car and were walking towards the house when we saw a guy cleaning out his car. So, we go over and start talking with him. We have a good chat, and talk about the church a little. Then, guess what?!

He wasn't interested.

So, we head on our way when we hear a whistle from behind us, and the guy we were talking to says, "Hey, this guy wants to talk with you!" And we see this man who had come out of his house and out his backyard to come and track us down. Sweet eh? So we go over to chat and he invites us in! He had been contacted by some sister missionaries and had some questions about the Book of Mormon that they had given him. So, we were able to teach him about the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and even how Christ can help us through our problems and addictions. It was a really neat experience!! He even accepted another visit for next Saturday

So, the Lord puts people in our paths for a reason! Without getting rejected by that first guy we would have never found the other one!! The Lord works in mysterious ways!

Well, Merry Christmas everyone! Jesus Christ is our Savior, His Atonement is real, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His church! And it is so true!!

Elder Call

Hey there Mom!! Good to hear from ya! I'll answer some of your questions real quick...

What's the skype plan? What time works for you? We are open all day long, so any time you say we will be available! I'll probably be skyping around 1, maybe 2. We aren't exactly sure yet, but I'm thinking 1. So if you have it all set up by then we should be good! :)

How was your week?  It was a good week. I feel like I learned a lot so that was good!!

What was the highlight?  Learning! Definitely learning.

Who have you been working with this week?
Youssef couldn't meet because of work, but Josh and Aaron both came to church so that was sweet!! We are working with a bunch of members right now too! And that is going great!

How are things with Elder Lybe?
Pretty good! No complaints at all! We've been having fun and working hard so it is good!

Do you have Christmas plans with ward members? Dinner invites?
Yes! We actually got a few invites, so that was pretty sweet!

Do you have any Zone or District Christmas parties / testimony meetings to go to?
We are going to make breakfast and have a white elephant gift exchange tomorrow before our district meetings, so that ought to be fun!!

Any sickness you are having? (Pick up some vitamin C chewables at the store next time! Take 2 a day!! Wards off sickness by keeping your immune system up!)  I am doing really good actually! I've taken your advice and I take vitamin C and D every day!

Thanks for your great advice and encouragement Mom! I love you so much! Thanks for everything that you do and sacrifice for me! Keep working hard at the hard work! It makes a difference in our lives! I love you so much!! Can't wait to skype on Thursday!!

Elder Call 


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